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Real Estate and Customer Experience: The Impact of PropTech on Real Estate Brokerage

PropTech represents the most significant digital transformation in real estate. Discover how it can benefit your clients.

Immerse yourself in the digital transformation revolutionizing the real estate world. This is your chance to reshape the way you work, enhancing both your client experience and overall performance.

77% of property searches start online. Offering high-quality photos and virtual tours can make all the difference to a potential client in just a matter of seconds. Similarly, having smooth communication powered by PropTech during the buying process, and completing the transaction with ease and minimal travel, brings you into the modern era of real estate. Satisfying clients also ensures your long-term success.

By understanding how these innovations can transform client relationships, you will be better equipped to seize opportunities and shape the future. You can also check our list of the 10 best tools to ensure you’re well-equipped for your daily tasks.


Real estate agencies can now offer more personalized, convenient, and efficient services. Virtual tours are one of the most popular PropTech technologies in the real estate sector. With virtual reality and 3D modeling tools, buyers can explore properties remotely without the need to travel. In a world where time is so valuable, clients are hesitant to invest time in unnecessary travel.

This approach makes it easier to discover multiple properties, saves time, and reduces the hassle of in-person visits. Welcome to the most immersive and convenient client experience.

Finding the right home rarely happens on the first try, making the process potentially tedious. This is where PropTech makes a significant difference.


Another key area of PropTech that enhances the customer experience is the use of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. Real estate CRMs allow agencies to better track and manage client interactions, organize client data, schedule appointments, and automate communications.

Having a CRM tailored and optimized for real estate brokerage leads to better service personalization and faster responses to client needs. It’s no secret: the happier and more satisfied the client, the more positive their experience will be, and they’ll be more likely to recommend you. This is where a CRM helps you provide quality service and ensures all the necessary follow-ups for the success of your real estate projects.



What helps save time, automate recurring emails, prioritize your communications, and optimize your scheduled activities? All of this is made possible by new technologies developed by companies like Centiva.

As PropTech professionals, our mission is to create tools that enhance your daily performance. Our passion is to design innovative solutions that stand out from other products on the market. Integrating effective tools, specifically designed for the real estate world, into your business will take you to a whole new level. While technology handles your communications, you can focus your time and energy on more profitable tasks.

Now, let's analyze the financial aspect of buying or selling a property. All the transactions involved usually take a lot of time due to frequent back-and-forths for document signatures and money transfers. And as we know, time is money.

PropTech has significantly simplified and accelerated real estate transactions. Online transaction platforms allow clients to sign contracts electronically and finalize deals with just a few clicks. This eliminates the delays associated with traditional paper processes, strengthens transaction security, and offers the ability to conduct transactions remotely—a major asset for international clients or those who prefer to avoid traveling.

There are dozens of ways to improve the real estate client experience. Partnering with a PropTech company specializing in real estate is the best solution for agencies looking to offer personalized, efficient, and high-performing services, specifically tailored to their context and clientele.


It’s no coincidence that Centiva has dedicated 100% of its attention to the real estate industry. It’s because we are driven by the desire to bring positive and significant change to the pace at which innovations are made. Our passion for real estate is shared with you, and we are determined to push the boundaries of technology so you can reap the maximum benefits.

Contact us to find out how our products can positively impact your professional future. If you spend countless hours traveling and managing clients, why not invest an hour to explore a more efficient and profitable future? That’s at least what our current clients’ testimonials suggest.

PropTech, a combination of "Property" and "Technology," provides real estate agencies with tools and solutions that greatly enhance the client experience. From immersive virtual tours to customized CRM systems to secure online transactions, PropTech is transforming the real estate industry by offering a smoother, more convenient, and enriching client experience. These technological advancements position you distinctly in a competitive market and strengthen client loyalty by offering superior quality services.

Welcome to the future of real estate.

Rose Perron

Rose Perron

I'm a nomad at heart. I love traveling, getting out of my comfort zone and building relationships with people from different cultures. I love exploring, trying new things and pushing my limits.

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