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Premium Website

Our Ultimate Website Offering for Real Estate Leaders



Turnkey Website and Strategy

Get inspired by templates already optimized for lead generation and SEO

$96 per month
+ setup fees starting at $1,495



Designed for brokers who make no compromises on quality, this theme embodies professionalism, precision, and attention to detail.



For innovative brokers who are always ahead of market trends, this template represents a modern and forward-thinking approach to real estate.



Designed for brokers positioned at the top of the real estate market, "Prestige" is a theme that embodies refinement, luxury, and distinction.

Must-Have Features
Seller and Buyer
Landing Page
Partners, Team,
and Area Pages

Key Pages

Meticulously Designed to Showcase Your Excellence as a Broker

Each page of these templates has been specifically crafted for real estate brokers seeking an unparalleled online presence. While highlighting the iconic RE/MAX footprint, every detail is finely tuned to emphasize your professionalism, ensuring a high-end user experience for your clients.


Introduce yourself and your brand right from the first page for a memorable first impression.



A dedicated page to present and highlight your team. Showcase the skills, experiences, and strengths of each member.



Are you a high-performing broker looking to showcase your results to demonstrate your impact in numbers? This page is for you.



Highlight your expertise through the feedback and experiences of your satisfied clients.


My Journey

A personal page revealing your professional journey. Here, you share your story and the key milestones of your career.

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Present yourself professionally by sharing your goals and the various services you offer, all in a clear and effective manner.

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Sell with Confidence

Discover a page dedicated to reassuring your clients about the selling process, thereby giving potential sellers the confidence to make the right choice.

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Sales Strength

Highlight your recent successes, distinctive sales techniques, and the unique advantages you offer.


The Buying Process

Highlight tips for a smooth acquisition and the key steps to ensure a successful and hassle-free transaction.



A page designed to highlight the neighborhoods and geographic areas where you operate in real estate brokerage.


Areas Page

You can showcase your areas with dedicated pages for more information.



Showcase the properties you represent with a clean and professional design.



A platform to share articles, analyses, and advice with your visitors.

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Useful Tools

Provide useful resources to guide potential clients in the world of real estate.


Buyer and Seller Guides

Feature buyer and seller guides on your website to assist and provide support to your potential clients.


Property Alerts

Allow potential clients to sign up to receive alerts about new properties.


Property Valuation

Offer visitors a property valuation, showcasing your market expertise.


Mortgage Calculator

Assist your clients in estimating their mortgage payments and help them better understand their borrowing capacity with this intuitive tool.



A page specially designed to allow potential clients to contact you easily.


And More...

Get custom pages designed specifically to meet your precise needs.

Real Estate Website Design

The Excellence Solution for Market Leaders

Maximize your market impact without compromising on quality. Our Premium solution is designed for brokers who settle for nothing but the best. Enjoy an unparalleled combination of sophistication and efficiency, all crystallized in an elegant and unforgettable online presence.

individual premium site
$96 / month
+ installation fees starting at $1,495

Benefit from the power of our tools, supported by the expertise of our team.

Why Choose This Site:
648b02247bf5abbdda662d5d_Check_primary Custom Site
648b02247bf5abbdda662d5d_Check_primary Strategic Meeting
648b02247bf5abbdda662d5d_Check_primary Landing Page
648b02247bf5abbdda662d5d_Check_primary Choice of 8 Options
648b02247bf5abbdda662d5d_Check_primary And More...
Team Premium Site
$126 / month
+ installation fees starting at $1,595 *

Leverage the power of our tools, supported by the expertise of our team.

Why Choose This Site:
648b02247bf5abbdda662d5d_Check_primary Custom Site for the Team
648b02247bf5abbdda662d5d_Check_primary Strategic Meeting
648b02247bf5abbdda662d5d_Check_primary Landing Page
648b02247bf5abbdda662d5d_Check_primary Choice of 8 Options
648b02247bf5abbdda662d5d_Check_primary And More...

*Price for a team of 2 ($15/month per additional member)

Case Study

Discover Brokers Who Have
Chosen the Premium Solution

Questions? Our experts can answer them!

Équipe Annie Morel

Team Site

Annie Morel's Team

Site Strengths:
648b02247bf5abbdda662d5d_Check_primary  Brand Image Integration
648b02247bf5abbdda662d5d_Check_primary  Video Banner
648b02247bf5abbdda662d5d_Check_primary  Landing Page: Invest in Commercial Properties

Jamil Demers

Individual Site


Site Strengths:
648b02247bf5abbdda662d5d_Check_primary  Landing Page: Multiplex Investor
648b02247bf5abbdda662d5d_Check_primary  Video Banner
648b02247bf5abbdda662d5d_Check_primary  Custom Site with Brand Image

Frédéric Leclerc

Individual Site


Site Strengths:
648b02247bf5abbdda662d5d_Check_primary  Theme Tailored to Brand Image
648b02247bf5abbdda662d5d_Check_primary  Landing Page: First-Time Buyer
648b02247bf5abbdda662d5d_Check_primary  Lifestyle Photos Allowing for Better Customization 


Products Regularly Associated With and Recommended for This Site Model

Enhance your online presence with our range of services focused on digital performance.


Areas Pages

Design dedicated pages for the cities, neighborhoods, or even the condo buildings you serve!

Starting at:


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Page Writing

Take advantage of a writing service that engagingly highlights your services, area of expertise, and real estate projects.

Starting at:



Custom Page

Creation of bespoke pages that capture the essence of your brokerage business, highlighting your services.

Starting at:


Frequently Asked Questions

Find clear information on our features, customer support, benefits for your real estate agency, and much more.

Will I get a discount if I already have a site with you?

Certainly! We value your loyalty and offer special incentives based on the purchase date of your current site. For personalized information, please contact our customer service.

If I leave RE/MAX, will I be able to keep my site?

Unfortunately, it will not be possible. Our exclusivity with RE/MAX stems from our belief in the power of the RE/MAX network. We view our offering as a significant asset for RE/MAX brokers and wish to maintain this exclusivity.

Why have we chosen a recurring payment model?

Our goal is to always provide you with the best of the best. Honoring this promise requires continuous innovation and adaptation to technological changes. Ensuring this ongoing update involves significant investment on our part, which justifies the recurring payment structure.

Are your prices competitive?

Absolutely. We are confident that we offer the best real estate site solution in North America, and our prices are highly competitive. How do we achieve this? Through the strength of our network, the adoption of cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence, and our in-house developed website creation platform.

Can I edit the text on my site myself?

Currently, this feature is not available. However, please know that all text and calls to action have been carefully crafted to maximize the conversion of visitors into leads. Our expertise ensures that you always have relevant and effective content.

How will the new websites help me on a daily basis?

Our new websites serve as a digital showcase of excellence, projecting a professional and organized image that your clients expect. With finely tuned SEO and seamless integration with the Centiva and RE/MAX ecosystems, we provide you with an unparalleled real estate solution.

Why is it necessary to be placed on a waiting list?

The exceptional demand for our offering has created a high level of interest. We are committed to providing each of our clients with an impeccable Centiva experience. Therefore, to maintain this promise of quality, it may sometimes be necessary to wait a bit.

What support do you offer after my new site goes live?

You are never alone once your site is launched. At Centiva, we provide ongoing support to ensure your site remains high-performing and up-to-date with current innovations and trends. Additionally, we offer regular training sessions to help optimize your online visibility and attract more clients.

How does Centiva ensure that my site stays updated with constant changes in the real estate market and technological advancements?

The real estate market and technology are continually evolving. At Centiva, we have a dedicated team focused on technological monitoring and real estate marketing trends. As a result, we frequently update our platform and provide advice to our clients to keep them ahead. Your success is our priority.